E-glass (“Electrical” grade glass) is by far the most used fiber in reinforced plastic composites. In many industries, it represents over 90% of the reinforcements used. Its main advantages are:
Low cost
High strength
Light weight (relative to steel)
High chemical resistance
The main disadvantages are:
Low modulus (relative to other reinforcing fibers)
Low fatigue resistance (relative to carbon fibers)
High weight (relative to other reinforcing fibers)
Highly abrasive when machined
Susceptibility to stress corrosion
Because of its widespread use, the advantages have a tendency to outweigh the disadvantages. Almost all glass fibers are sold in strands of grouped fibers, or rovings, associated with a particular yield. The yield is the number of yards of roving per pound. The metric unit of measure is TEX which is the weight in grams per kilometer (1,000 meters).